Society News and Notes
Genealogy for Beginners - April 7, 2012
by Julie Pickett on 03/14/12
The Society is co-sponsoring a "Genealogy for Beginners" training session on Saturday, April 7th, from 9:30 to noon at the Durango Public Library. Julie Pickett will be the instructor. More information and the registration form is on the library's website. Go to the 'Event' tab and click on 'Calendar.' Go forward to Saturday, April 7th, and click on the title of the class to access the course info and to register. Registration opens tomorrow, March 15th. Space is limited to the first 10 registrants. A laptop will be provided to each participant for use during this interactive class. For additional information, go to the home page of our website and use the submission box. Hope to see you there!
Topic for the November meeting?
by Julie Pickett on 03/14/12Our November meeting is an important one. Not only are the officer elections held, but it is the one meeting in the year that is completely open to the public for attendance. We would like to have a topic of interest that would have wide appeal to community members. Last year, quilt historian Brianna McCormick gave a very interesting talk on signature quilts. At our last meeting, Society member Jigger suggested that we do something with cross-generational appeal this year, specifically reaching out to young people. We'd like to use this blog space to get your input about a meaningful November session. Don't be shy - post your ideas!
March 10, 2012 meeting recap
by Julie Pickett on 03/14/12
Our bimonthly meeting was jam packed with information about the Society and other related events. The training session was led by newsletter editor Chris Brussat with Julie and Ruth contributing on various topics. The focus was on organizing and maintaining records. Several systems were presented for consideration. We also issued a challenge to the members to get all of their paper and digital records backed up by the end of 2012. We will be charting our progress via a graph at the end of every month. Our desire is that we will encourage and inspire one another to make the time and effort to complete this very worthwhile task. Let's get started!
November 12, 2011 meeting recap
by Julie Pickett on 12/06/11
The November 12, 2011 General Membership meeting was a huge success with almost 40 people from the Society and the La Plata Quilters Guild in attendance! Elections were held and the following people were retained in their positions: Ruth Lambert, President; Julie Pickett, Vice President; Jill Seyfath, Secretary-Treasurer.
Following the meeting, Ms. Brianna McCormick gave a fascinating talk on the history and genealogy of signature quilts. Brianna is a quilt historian and hails from the New England Quilt Museum in Lowell, Massachusetts. She is now the museum assistant at the Animas City Museum.
2011 was a very successful inaugural year for the Society. Many thanks to all of the wonderful Society members who joined this year and the La Plata County Historical Society and the Animas Museum for their support!
Merry Christmas to all! See you in the New Year!
Another great meeting! September 10, 2011 meeting recap.
by Julie Pickett on 09/11/11
We enjoyed another fun and helpful meeting on September 10, 2011. At least 22 people were in attendance, including some new members.
The group agreed that getting together periodically to help one another with our brick walls would be beneficial. These "Wall Buster" meetings will start this fall. Members should contact me (Julie Pickett) to submit their brick wall problems to be considered for a meeting. More details will be announced soon.
The training session we had was on Land and Deed Records. The presenter was Jeannine Dobbins, Registrar of Durango’s Sarah Platt Decker Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. She did an excellent job teaching us how to understand the following:
- The different types of property descriptions
- Understanding Section, Township and Range descriptions
- Using county deed indexes and records
- Understanding survey descriptions, and how to map them on a grid
We are very grateful to Jeannine for showing us how valuable land records are in genealogical research!
The next meeting will be on November 12th at 10:30 at the Animas Museum. This meeting is open to the general public and elections will be held at the meeting. In the near future, you will be receiving an email from President Ruth Lambert on the nomination and voting procedures.
Happy Hunting!