Society News and Notes
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Society News and Notes

Life at the Animas City Cemetery

by Julie Pickett on 12/12/14

This presentation was made by Julie Pickett at the November 8th meeting.
 The Animas City Cemetery is the oldest existing community cemetery in La Plata County and the only remaining cemetery that pre-dates the establishment of Durango. The cemetery is associated with Animas City (established in 1876) and it is an important historic reminder of that early settlement.  Fascinating information about this cemetery along with some highlights of the genealogical research she conducted on the pioneers who were laid to rest in it were shared via a PowerPoint presentation.
For more information on this cemetery, visit

Dating Genealogical Photos Using Clothing and Hairstyles as Clues

by Julie Pickett on 07/14/13

At times family photos are kept with no information about them included, making them some of the many mysteries to be solved in genealogical research. At our last meeting on July 13, 2013, Suzanne Parker gave a highly informative and interesting presentation on using the clothing and hairstyles of those in the photos to help us acquire information about the time period. Several members commented on how much they enjoyed her talk and as a result of it we know of at least one family photo mystery that was solved. Thank you, Suzanne!

DAR Community Service Awards - Feb. 16, 2013

by Julie Pickett on 01/20/13

From SWCoGen member Jill Seyfarth:

Here's the information for the National Daughters of the American Revolution Community Service Awards for Julie Pickett and Ruth Lambert, as well as the Lifetime History Achievement Award for Duane Smith. There will also likely be some students receiving awards as well. The honorees, family and friends should arrive at St. Mark's Episcopal Church Fellowship Hall at 11:15 am on Saturday, Feb. 16th for the Awards ceremonies. The membership will be holding its business meeting prior to that. There will be refreshments afterwards. The Episcopal Church is located at 910 East Third Avenue, on the NE corner. Enter the fellowship hall from the set of stairs on the southeast corner of the building. Members of the SWCGS are very welcome to attend! If you have questions, please email Suzanne Parker or call her at 382-9298.

November 10th meeting

by Julie Pickett on 12/22/12

Why and how are historic cemeteries documented? What is done with this information? How can cemetery documentation aid in genealogical research?

The guest presenter on 'Historic Cemetery Documentation' was our very own Society president, Ruth E. Lambert. Ruth is the cultural program director at the San Juan Mountains Association and has extensive knowledge and experience in historic cemetery documentation.

Ruth showed wonderful slides of various cemeteries and headstones and told us how these can be clues to the life stories of our ancestors.

Thank You, Anna Hopkins-Arnold!

by Julie Pickett on 07/14/12


The Society would like to sincerely thank Anna Hopkins-Arnold for her contributions to the the genealogical community through her very informative trainings. From "Too Many Daves" (May 2012) to the Family Search Indexing training, Anna has shared from the wealth of her knowledge and experience. She has helped many of us learn new methods of research and encouraged us to give back and pay forward through being a part of the Indexing project.

For more information about how to be a Family Search indexer, or, if you are already an indexer and would like to join the Southwest Colorado Genealogical Society Group, contact Anna at

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Southwest Colorado Genealogical Society