Topic for the November meeting? : Society News and Notes
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Topic for the November meeting?

by Julie Pickett on 03/14/12

Our November meeting is an important one. Not only are the officer elections held, but it is the one meeting in the year that is completely open to the public for attendance. We would like to have a topic of interest that would have wide appeal to community members. Last year, quilt historian Brianna McCormick gave a very interesting talk on signature quilts. At our last meeting, Society member Jigger suggested that we do something with cross-generational appeal this year, specifically reaching out to young people. We'd like to use this blog space to get your input about a meaningful November session. Don't be shy - post your ideas!

Comments (3)

1. Kathy Gibson said on 6/8/12 - 01:10AM
The Girl Scouts (maybe Boy Scouts too?)offer a badge for genealogy. Perhaps inviting them would bring in younger folks. Our DAR has done that for the girls and it was quite successful. I also did a small workshop for the students at the special needs skills center my daughter attended. Of the 20 some students, about eight took the time to finish a basic chart with the help of their parents.
2. Suzanne Parker said on 7/16/12 - 06:54AM
I found Marti's talk at the last meeting actually discovering her family to be very interesting and moving. I wonder if we have any other members with a similar experience, or someone that has discovered some very unusual information from their research which could be shared, such as a major discrepancy in facts from family legend or a well-known relative whose connection was otherwide unknown.
3. Julie Pickett said on 7/16/12 - 02:22PM
Many thanks to both of you for your input. We are actively working on both suggestions and look forward to some exciting meetings in the future!

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Southwest Colorado Genealogical Society