March 10, 2012 meeting recap : Society News and Notes
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March 10, 2012 meeting recap

by Julie Pickett on 03/14/12

Our bimonthly meeting was jam packed with information about the Society and other related events. The training session was led by newsletter editor Chris Brussat with Julie and Ruth contributing on various topics. The focus was on organizing and maintaining records. Several systems were presented for consideration. We also issued a challenge to the members to get all of their paper and digital records backed up by the end of 2012. We will be charting our progress via a graph at the end of every month. Our desire is that we will encourage and inspire one another to make the time and effort to complete this very worthwhile task. Let's get started!

Comments (1)

1. Jill Seyfarth said on 1/20/13 - 08:39AM
Here's the information for the National Daughters of the American Revolution Community Service Awards for Julie Pickett and Ruth Lambert, as well as the Lifetime History Achievement Award for Duane Smith. There will also likely be some students receiving awards as well. The honorees, family and friends should arrive at St. Mark's Episcopal Church Fellowship Hall at 11:15 am on Saturday, Feb. 16th for the Awards ceremonies. The membership will be holding its business meeting prior to that. There will be refreshments afterwards. The Episcopal Church is located at 910 East Third Avenue, on the NE corner. Enter the fellowship hall from the set of stairs on the southeast corner of the building. Members of the SWCGS are very welcome to attend! If you have questions, please email Suzanne Parker or call her at 382-9298.

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Southwest Colorado Genealogical Society