July 9, 2011 Meeting Recap
by Julie Pickett on 07/09/11
We had another great turnout of members for our July 9, 2011 meeting! There were 21 people present, including 17 members, 2 guests and 2 others.
The following people have agreed to serve as officers until the November elections:
President - Ruth Lambert
Vice President - Julie Pickett
Secretary/Treasurer - Jill Seyfarth
Chris Brussat is the newsletter editor
After the business meeting, I shared details of the records transcription project that is already underway. Samples of the records were shown and data entry into spreadsheets was demonstrated.
Ruth Lambert shared an outline of the upcoming Pioneer Genealogy Project. About four pioneer families will be selected for research. Genealogical charts will be created and given to the museum archives. These pedigrees will enhance the existing knowledge of these families and give a concrete diagram of their family relationships.
Ruth also gave an overview of how to obtain an oral history of some of our community's elderly descendants of early pioneers. The upcoming Oral History Project is another way for members to help preserve our community's heritage.
The next meeting is scheduled for Saturday, September 10, 2011 at 10:30 a.m. at the San Juan Public Lands Center in the Durango Tech Center. Hope to see you there!