First Official Meeting Recap : Society News and Notes
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First Official Meeting Recap

by Julie Pickett on 06/29/11

Our first official meeting was held Saturday, May 14, 2011 at the Animas Museum. 26 people were in attendance, that number not including two curious 10 year old girls who joined us!

Ruth Lambert brought the attendees up to speed with the progress of setting up the organization. She also announced that she volunteered to be the first president of the organization. Julie Pickett volunteered to be the vice president. The secretary-treasurer position is still vacant. Chris Brussat has agreed to be the newsletter editor. The first annual election of officers will be in the fall.

Two trainings were presented by Julie Pickett. "Analyzing Genealogical Evidence: Classifying Sources and Information" focused on understanding the 'weight' of genealogical resources. For the second training, Julie used a live connection to the Internet to teach "How to Utilize the Family History Library and" She showed attendees how to search the Family History Library's extensive online catalog to request microfilms through our local Family History Center. She also gave an overview of and their multitude of research helps and online records. At the conclusion of the meeting, quite a few members took advantage of the opportunity to visit the local Family History Center. Margot Armstrong graciously opened up the Center and gave a tour.

We're off to a great start! The next meeting is on July 9th at 10:30 a.m. at the Animas Museum.

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Southwest Colorado Genealogical Society