All rights reserved.  2011 Copyright Julie Pickett
Southwest Colorado Genealogical Society
The Durango Family History Center has many resources readily available to local researchers! 

A project is underway to catalogue all of the resources that are archived at the Center.
Click on the place name below to see what resources are available.

The Durango Family History Center is open:
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11am to 2pm

It is located at 2 Hilltop Circle, Durango, CO 81301 ~ Telephone:1-970-259-1061 
   Connecticut     Delaware     Georgia     Maine     Maryland      Massachusetts    New Hampshire  

   New Jersey    New York    North Carolina     Pennsylvania     Rhode Island     Vermont     Virginia

More to come - keep checking back!
As a convenience, film numbers are listed by the records that are on microfilm. If you want to look up the films to see more details, go to  Under "Search for" click on "Film Numbers" and a box will drop down to enter the film number. 

Records not readily available at the Durango Family History Center may be ordered from the Family History Library to be shipped to the Center. Here are some basic instructions on searching for films.

How to search and order from the online Family History Library catalog:

• Click on the link above, or start at then click on the icon for ‘Search’ then click on the ‘Catalog’ tab.

Note: Generally, “Place-names” is the most helpful type of search (but explore the others!).

Start entering a place name and then select one of the options in the drop down box. You must select one of their choices in the drop down. Click on ‘Search.’

Find a record collection in which you are interested and click on it to expand the list.

Select a record title and click on it to see the film notes. If the records are already available online, you will see a big red note with a hyperlink to the collection.

To order films that are not online, click on the film number located in the ‘Film Notes’ section and you will be prompted through the order process.

You must have a free FamilySearch account to order films to be sent to the local Family History Center.
Tips: In some cases, you may need to know the name of the place during the time period you are re-searching, not its modern day name. For European searches, try entering the parish name in addition to the city, county, or country name.